Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales
Catálogo de la Biblioteca

Aeschylus ; sophocles ; euripides ; aristophanes.

Aeschylus ; sophocles ; euripides ; aristophanes. - ix, 649 páginas - Great books of the Western world ; 5 .

Contenido: the plays of aeschylus, tr. into english verse by g. m. cookson.- the plays of sophocles, tr. into english prose by e. p. coleridge.- the plays of aristophanes, tr. into english verse by b. b. rogers.s outside the first folio, the poems and sonnets v. 2 note on records. principal dates. pedigrec of shakespeare and arden. appendice: records. contemporary allusions. the shakespeare-mythos. performances of plays. the name shakespeare. shakespearea

Esquilo. Plays

AC1 / G7V.5

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 

Biblioteca del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales

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