Education and political development / edited by James S. Coleman ; contributors, Jeremy R. Azrael, Frank Bonilla, León Carl Brown, Michel Debeauvais, Joseph Fischer, William F. Gutteridge, Bert F. Hoselitz, Malcolm H. Kerr, Anthony H.M. Kirk-Greene, Carl H. Landé, John Wilson Lewis, Dwaine Marvick, Ayo Ogunsheye, Herbert Passin, William J. Platt, Edward A. Shils, Francis X. Sutton - xii, 620 páginas - Studies in political development ; 4 .

Documentos presentados en un seminario efectuado en Lake Arrowhead Conference Center of the University of California at Los Angeles, 25-29 de junio de 1962, patrocinado por el Committee on Comparative Politics of the Social Science

Nuevos Estados
Desarrollo político

LA132 / E375